
Showing posts from January, 2023

Illustrator Homework #1

  Learn Illustrator in 5 MINUTES! Beginner Tutorial - Bing video      This video is more of a know how to Adobe Illustrator. Flow Studio, the creator, shows the audience the basics and how to in a quick five-minute interval. It is a lot of information to take in, but it is useful on learning the uses of Illustrator's function. My main concern with myself using Adobe Illustrator is trying to remember all of the different keys. I have enough trouble on figuring out the control key on my own laptop. I would say that the video I watched is a good introduction all be it that I had to pause a few times to understand what was going on. How to Convert a JPEG Image Into a Vector Graphic in Adobe Illustrator - Bing video     The vector graphic video I watched is very different from the previous link I posted. The narrator takes her time calmly explaining each step. She also has made other videos with more in-depth procedures about the small steps in this video. In this video however she taug

I / W / B / W Assignment

    The internet is a creation that revolutionized the world. It quite literally changed the trajectory of all of humankind. With a creation like this it is no wonder that people cannot seem to agree on who or what created it. To understand that question, the internet itself must be understood. The internet is a network of globally connected electronic devices ranging from computers, cell phones, gaming systems, smart devices, refrigerators, cars, etc. The prototype of the internet was ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), but that idea came to fruition by J. C. R. Licklider. The U.S. Department of Defense originally funded the project back in October of 1969.     The internet was first to be used for transferring data quickly via electronics but was tweaked more in the 1970s by Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn. They made it possible for the internet to now transfer data between a numerous number of networks which is what it is used for today. The World Wide Web differs from

Thoughts on Digital Media and Introductions

  Thoughts on Digital Media and Introductions      Hello to all reading my blog. My name is Tony Galindo, and I am a Film and Media Studies major at the University of Tampa. I am 22 years old and originally from Chicago, Illinois. Film to me is one of the most engaging and historically important form of art. Directing has always been a dream of mine, but I have recently been interested in the preservation of film. What I expect to gain from this class is a newfound respect for animation with an appreciation for the work online artists do for a living.     One of my best accomplishments is a shared story because it was not all my doing. I was a pioneer for my high school's volleyball team and helped lead us from a 0-whatever number to a winning program. Volleyball was then what I went to my previous university for. I helped start that program as well, but that also led to my biggest failure. I quit that team due to not feeling a sense of belonging, and I still regret that decision t