Business Card


Final Products:

Artist Statement: 
This was an incredibly difficult project for me to accomplish because I was not here to learn how to do the business card that week of class. I was in Kansas City for a volleyball tournament, and when I got back the class was already working on the final project. With this project, I tried to make it seem that I had a film business in the selling of discs. This was because in my other class we had a project where I incorporated physical media into my work. The business card was also more difficult than the Postcard assignment because the only background with business card I have is the scene from American Psycho (2000). I didn't like how my second card looks very similar to McDonald's as well. 


  1. These are really cool. I like how it perfectly captures what a film major's business card would look. It doesn't try to do too much, nor does it try and be too simple. It's interesting and visually simple enough where it it just iconic even without your name and information on it. Great job.


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